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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2000, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 32-38.

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Interseetion area of synthetic anomalies of C,D and Mƒ values——a middle-term anomaly Prior to moderately Strong earthquakes in East China region

WANG Zheng-zheng1, WANG Wei2, LIU Hong-gui1, CHEN Xing-dong1   

  1. 1. Seismologieal Bureau of Jiangsu Provinee,Nanjing 210014,China;
    2. Seismologieal Bureau of Shanghai Munieipality,Shanghai 200062,China
  • Received:1999-03-18 Revised:1999-06-30 Online:2000-01-31 Published:2022-09-26

Abstract: The phenomena show that the aetivities of moderate and small earthquake usually indieate a strengthening process prior to large earthquakes and that large earthquakes often occur in the periphery of the anomalous zone.The intersection area of anomalous zones of the parameters deseribing the charaeteristics of the temporal,spatial and intensity distributions of earthquakes (the spatial concentration degreeC,the seismic risk degreeD and the seismic intensity faetor ) could be used to predict the epicentral loeation of the earthquake.The applieation of the method to the earthquake predietion in East China region has shown that the accuraey of the estimated epieentral loeation might reaeh 1°~1.5°(radius),and false alarms and missed predietion of earthquakes resulted from using only single parameter can be avolded effieiently.

Key words: Seismice concentration degreeC, Seismiec risk degree D, seismic intenslty factor , Synmaethetic anomalous area, Temporal and spatial seanning

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