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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 65-73.

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Automated and Rapid Moment Tensor Inversion for Moderate Earthquakes using Regional Seismic Network

QIU Yi, JIN Xing, LI Jun, ZHU Geng-qing, SHAO Ping-rong, XU Jia-jun   

  1. Earthquake Administration of Fujian Province, Fuzhou 350003, China
  • Published:2020-07-14

Abstract: Obtaining quickly the moment tensor solution could offer help for rapid intensityreporting,seismic emergency and succor, post-seismic tendency determination, and so on. In this paper, an automated and rapid moment tensor inversion system had been constructed using the regional broadband stations.Based on regional seismic network in China, we improved the seismic moment tensor inverse software developed by Dreger. The systemwas triggered by the rapid earthquake determination systemused in seismic network. The system obtained the earthquake information and seismic waveform data automatically.Itwas realized that the automation of the moment tensor inversion and selecting the best solution of seismic moment tensorprocess. The system had been applied to Fujian seismic network, and compared the results with other research institutions to verify the reliability of the system.

Key words: Regional seismic network, Seismic moment tensor inversion, Moderate earthquake, Fujian-Taiwan region

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