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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 1-10.

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An Algorithm for Detecting Low-frequency Seismic Event and Preliminary Applications

LIANG Jian-hong1, LIU Jie1, YANG Wen1, DENG Fei2   

  1. 1. China Earthquake Networks Center, Beijing 100045, China;
    2. Institute of Earthquake Science, CEA, Beijing 100036, China
  • Received:2014-02-24 Online:2015-01-31 Published:2020-06-22

Abstract: An algorithm for detection of lowfrequency seismic event is developed and applied to detect lowfrequency event before the 2008 Wenchuan and the 2013 Lushan earthquakes. Continuous verticalcomponent waveforms of some broad band stations in a few months surrounding the Wenchuan earthquake and Lushan earthquake have been processed by applying a bandpass filter in 2—8 Hz, converted to envelopes with a smoothing time of 10 s window and a median filter with a 20 min window. As a result, teleseismic, longperiod noise and local small earthquakes are removed, the filtered amplitude is obviously larger than that of noise and last for a dozen of minutes to several hours during a few days for a small number of stations before the Wenchuan earthquake and Lushan earthquake, respectively. The waveform and envelope are similar to that of nonvolcanic tremor (NVT), we think they are suspected NVT before the two earthquakes. Preliminary application demonstrates that this algorithm is potentially useful for extracting NVT signal from continuous seismic waveforms.

Key words: Slow earthquake, Seismic waveform, Envelope, Wenchuan earthquake, Lushan earthquake

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