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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 167-175.

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Anomaly of Outgoing Long-wave Radiation before the 2015Alxazuoqi M5.8Earthquake

DAI Yong, GAO Li-xin, YANG Yan-ming   

  1. Earthquake Administration of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Hohhot 010010,China
  • Received:2015-11-13 Revised:2015-12-10 Online:2016-04-30 Published:2020-07-06

Abstract: Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR)eddy of the 2015 M5.8Alxazuoqi earthquake epcentre region(104.50°~108.50°E, 37.50°~41.50°N)are analyzed in this paper,by using eddy,time-distance square method, wavelet transform,time-frequency analysis,and so on.Firstly,there exist significantly enhanced abnormal areas of OLR eddy field after removing background value before the M5.0Alxazuoqi earthquake.Secondly,there exists phenomenon of significantly nonlinear increase in OLR eddy monthly frequency histograms of greater than 2times mean square deviation at grid points(105.50°E,39.50°N)and(107.50°E,40.50°N)before the M5.8 earthquake.Thirdly,OLR eddy time-frequency analysis results at two grid points based on the adaptive optimal kernel method show that energy density enhance before the M5.8 earthquake.Fourthly,the epicenter of the M5.8Alxazuoqi earthquake locates in the edge of the abnormal enhancement area.

Key words: Outgoing Long-wave Radiation, Eddy, The 2015 M5.8Alxazuoqi earthquake

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