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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 38-47.

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Inversion for the Minimum 1DVelocity Model of the Xiaowan Reservoir Area

KE Nai-chen, HUA Wei   

  1. Key Laboratory of Earthquake Prediction,Institute of Earthquake Science,CEA,Beijing 100036,China
  • Received:2015-08-10 Revised:2015-11-24 Online:2016-04-30 Published:2020-07-06

Abstract: Using 5 230Parrivals and 4 883Sarrivals from 780high quality events,which can be recorded at least by 4stations,selected from events from the Xiaowan reservoir seismic network from 2005to 2008.The minimum 1Dvelocity model including P wave model,S wave model and station correction are obtained with the Kissling method.After inversion,the RMS of the minimum 1Dvelocities decrease from 0.81sto 0.12s,data variances decrease from 1.64s2 to 0.04s2,and depths of earthquakes increase about 1km with source distribution is more concentrated.Different station correction values represent lateral heterogeneity of surface velocity structure in the Xiaowan reservoir area.Finally, we use the minimum 1Dvelocity and station correction to relocate the earthquakes,and the RMS reduce abviously,which shows the high quality of the 1Dminimum velocity.

Key words: Minimum 1Dvelocity model, Sation correction, Travel time residual RMS, Xiaowan reservoir

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