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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 112-120.

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Analysis of the 2014—2015 Jinzhai Earthquake Swarm by Double-difference VP/VS Ratio Method

JIA Luo-zhao,WANG Zhi-shuo,ZHANG Ya-lin,XING Kang   

  1. Earthquake Administration of Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450018, China
  • Received:2016-06-13 Published:2019-08-14

Abstract: We proposed a method to estimate local VP/VS ratios for compact similar earthquake clusters using the precise P and S differential times. Two closely-spaced earthquakes have the same path to the station, through this method to deduct the same path to obtain the VP/VS ratios of the epicentral area. We calculated the VP/VS ratios of earthquake swarm in Anhui Jinzhai from August 2014 to August 2015. The result shows that the concentrated area is lower than the surrounding area. Combined with the fault distribution, our results may reflect that in this area crust medium is harder than the surrounding area, and stress accumulation is also higher than the surrounding area.

Key words: VP/VS ratios, Double-difference time, The 2014—2015 Jinzhai earthquake swarm

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