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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 95-106.

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Enhancement of Seismicity Recorded by the Qiaojia Seismic Network before the 2013 Lushan and 2014 Ludian Earthquakes

LI Yan-e1,CHEN Li-juan2,CHEN Xue-zhong1   

  1. 1.Institute of Geophysics, CEA, Beijing 100081, China;
    2.Earthquake Administration of Chongqing, Chongqing 401147, China
  • Received:2016-12-14 Published:2019-08-09

Abstract: A seismic network (Qiaojia network) of Twenty four seismometers operated by Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration was situated along the Zemuhe fault and the north end of Xiaojiang fault where is a part of the east boundary of the Chuan-Dian rhombus crust mass. Since the end of Feb., 2012 when Qiaojia network started to operate, the 20 April, 2013 Lushan MS7.0 earthquake and the 3 Agust, 2014 Ludian MS6.5 earthquake have occurred in the vicinity of Qiaojia network. The earthquake catalogue recorded by Qiaojia network since March, 2012 is used in this study. The temporal variation of earthquake count before the Lushan event and the Ludian event is analysed. The results are as follows: ① A very clear gradually increasing variation of the count of M 2.0 earthquakes within the region where all earthquakes recorded by the Qiaojia network coverage can be found before the Lushan event and the Ludian event, and the increasing range and duration of the count before the Ludian event are both larger than those before the Lushan event. ② In the region covered by Qiaojia network, for earthquakes with depth h 10 km a rising process of the count was manifest before both events, along with a nearly same duration of about five and a half manths, and for earthquakes with depth h>10 km a rising-dropping process of the count was manifest before the Lushan event before which the rising-dropping process showed again. The variation of the count for earthquakes with depth h 10 km is reverse to that for earthquakes with depth h>10 km; ③ Within and very close to the region covered by the Qiaojia network, the variation of the count manifests a rising process for earthquakes with depth h 10 km or h>10 km before the Lushan event and only for earthquakes with depth h 10 km before the Ludian event. The variation of the count manifests a weakening process for earthquakes with depth h>10 km before the Lushan event. It can be shown from above results that the seismicity within and very close to the region covered by the Qiaojia network showed a steeply rising change before both the Lushan event and the Ludian event. This phenomenon could be revelatory to understanding the process of earthquake development.

Key words: Seismicity, The 2013 Lushan earthquake, The 2014 Ludian earthquake, The Qiaojia network

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