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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2007, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (3): 1-9.

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Monitoring crustal media variation by using repeating earthquakes

ZHOU Long-quan1, LIU Gui-ping2, MA Hong-sheng3, HUA Wei4   

  1. 1. China Earthquake Networks Center, CEA, Beijing 100036;
    2. Monitoring and Prediction Department, CEA, Beijing 100036;
    3. Institute of Earthquake Science, CEA, Beijing 100036;
    4. Earthquake Administration of Guangdong Provinces, Guangzhou 510070, China
  • Received:2007-01-15 Revised:2007-02-05 Online:2007-07-31 Published:2021-10-29

Abstract: The accuracy of measuring crustal media variation by using repeating earthquakes is controlled by several factors, including the accuracy of earthquake location, dissimilar position of repeating earthquakes, and the error of phase reading, which restrict its application in practice. In this paper we present normalizing the position of repeating earthquakes by using ray tracing, and eliminating the effects of phase reading error by waveform cross-correlation methods that improve the precision in measuring media variation with time. According to the methods mentioned above, we measured the variations of Dayao crustal media with time by using repeating earthquakes. The results indicate that the measuring accuracy can be effectively improved by this method, showing that the short-term velocity variation of crustal media appears before Dayao M=6.2 and M=6.1 earthquakes in 2003.

Key words: Repeating earthquakes, Ray tracing, Waveform cross-correlation, Variation of crustal media, Dayao earthquake

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