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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2006, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 85-92.

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The design of a data processing system of digital seismic network based on the network

CHEN Yang, Wang Hong-ti   

  1. Institute of Earthquake Science, CEA, Beijing 100036, China
  • Received:2006-02-06 Revised:2006-02-27 Published:2021-11-01

Abstract: The EDSP_NET is a data processing system based on the network for regional digital seismological network. It is developed for the requirement of real time data share and broadband data processing of the regional digital seismological network. EDSP_NET is suitable for installing and working in a MS Windows environment to collect and process digital seismic waveform data coming from digital seismic stations, realize the data share service between the center of the regional digital seismological network, monitor the status of the digital stations and the data processing system. The system structure and function are presented in detail and the three application models are briefly introduced in the paper.

Key words: Seismic Network, Distributed Data Processing System, Broad band data processing, Real time data share

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