EARTHQUAKE ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 136-147.doi: 10.12196/j.issn.1000-3274.2021.04.010
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XIA Nuan1,2, WU Zi-quan1,2, FU Jun-dong1,2, ZHANG Jian-min1,2, WANG Dong-lei1,2, PENG Liu-ya3
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XIA Nuan, WU Zi-quan, FU Jun-dong, ZHANG Jian-min, WANG Dong-lei, PENG Liu-ya. Joint Application of Shallow Seismic Reflection Exploration and Refraction Tomography in the Haizhou-Hanshan Fault Detection[J]. EARTHQUAKE, 2021, 41(4): 136-147.
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