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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 135-146.

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Dispersion Analysis Using Pseudo-spectral Algorithm in Acoustic Wave Numerical Simulation

WU Ye,ZHAO Xiao-yan,SHI Yan-bin,YU Zi-zhao,HE Xin-juan, HU Po,XIONG Zhong-hua   

  1. Institute of Disaster Prevention Science And Technology, Hebei Sanhe 101601, China
  • Received:2016-11-08 Online:2017-04-20 Published:2019-08-14

Abstract: The dispersion function of acoustic wave equation for pseudo-spectral algorithm is derived. And, selection principle of the spatial sampling space for the pseudo spectral method and the influence of the spatial sampling interval and the time sampling period on the numerical dispersion are analyzed. Numerical experiments indicates that the selection principle of the spatial sampling space for stable numerical simulation is that the sampling points of the medium wavelength which frequency is half of Nyquist-frequency is 2; for all dimensions, the stability increases with the increase of the space sampling space, but the increment can not be too large; when setting the value of the space sampling interval, it is needed to consider the sampling theorem of the time domain and the stability condition, and the stability condition is more strict to the grid size; the optimal(smaller numerical dispersion)spatial grid number for the numerical simulation of pseudo spectral method is 2 sampling points for the medium wavelength, corresponding to about 6~7 sampling points for the main wavelength. The above research provides some reference for how to select the reasonable simulation parameters using pseudo spectral method.

Key words: Numerical simulation, Numerical dispersion, Pseudo-spectral method

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