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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2000, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (z1): 217-221.

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ATM-based System of Computer Networking Center of China Seismological Bureau

LI Sheng-qiang, LI Wei-dong, LI Min-feng, ZHOU Yuan   

  1. Center for Analysis and Prediction, CSB, Beijing 100036, China
  • Received:2000-05-08 Revised:2000-05-22 Online:2000-09-30 Published:2022-09-23

Abstract: This paper briefly describes the technology and characteristics of ATM networking, introduce systematic composition and features of the networking of Computer Networking Center of China seismological Bureau (NC-CSB) in detail, and mainly shows one of networking applications namely " Information Network for Earthquake analysis and prediction (short as APN ET) ". NC-CSB is connected to IN TERN ET through China GBN and CERN ET, to direct departments under CSB in Beijing through Extra-Frequent Micro wave and to nationwide departments of CSB with satellite communication link path and X. 25 leased line.
NC-CSB makes use of IBM 8265 intelligent Route Switch to build the main framework of the ATM enterprise network and connects 6 separate local network segments through fibers. The enterprise servers of NC-CSB are two IBMRS / 6000 H50 machines, which are installed HACM P and run DB2 database as well as Tivoli Network Management. The hardware and software platform of NC-CSB is not only manages the running and safety of network, but also provides the INTERNET connection for local network. Currently, many services such as Domain Name Service, E-mail Service, Web Service, Firewall Service, Proxy Service and seismo logical information query (APnet) service are provided.

Key words: ATM networking technology, Systematic com position of networking, APNET, Computer networking center of China seismological bureau

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