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EARTHQUAKE ›› 1998, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (4): 358-366.

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Huang Fuqiong1), Wang Jiyi2), Yang Wenzheng3)   

  1. 1)Center for Analysis and Prediction, CSB,Beijing 100036,China;
    2)Seismological Bureau of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050021, China
  • Received:1998-06-03 Revised:1998-06-17 Published:2022-09-23

Abstract: The study on the anomalies of subsurface fluids occurred before Zhangbei-Shangyi earthquake in northern part of China (110°~120°E,38°~42°N) shows that:①There are a large number of subsurface fluid anomalies before this earthquake, and there are more physical anomalies than chemical anomalies. ②The forms of the subsurface fluid anomalies are very complicate, and all kinds of anomaly forms before this earthquake have been found. The up-rising water level anomaly is predominant. ③Anomalies appear more in the impending term than that in the long, medium- and short-term, and the co-seismic anomalies are prominent. ④In the process of anomaly development, one anomaly fell while another rose. The problem of whether the anomalies of all the long- and medium-term water level and radon are related to Zhangbei-Shangyi earthquake still needs a further research.

Key words: Anomalous character, Subsurface fluid, Zhangbei-Shangyi earthquake