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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 91-99.

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Characteristics of Geo-electric Field Changes before the 2013 Lushan MS7.0 Earthquake

AN Zhang-hui1,2,3, DU Xue-bin1,2,3, FAN Ying-ying1,2,3, LIU Jun1,2,3, TAN Da-cheng1,2,3, CUI Teng-fa1,2,3, CHEN Jun-ying1,2,3, WANG Jian-jun1,2,3   

  1. 1. Lanzhou Base of Institute of Earthquake Sciecne, CEA, Lanzhou 730000, China;
    2. State Geophysics Observatory in Lanzhou, CEA, Lanzhou 730000, China;
    3. Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, CEA, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • Received:2014-05-29 Online:2015-01-31 Published:2020-06-22

Abstract: In this paper, HilbertHuang Transformation method is introduced to deal with geoelectric field data observed by the stations around the epicenter of 2013 Lushan MS7.0 earthquake. These stations include the stations of Gansu Pingliang, Sichuan Chengdu and Yunnan Yuanmou. We compare the results of the three geoelectric field stations between the normal time with the eve of the Lushan MS7.0 earthquake, the results of Chengdu geoelectric field station about the Lushan Ms7.0 and Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquakes are also analyzed. We conclude that: (1) HHT method is effective for the data analysis observed by the geoelectric field station, the timefrequency spectrum may be simple and intuitive; (2)About 1~2 months before the Lushan MS7.0 earthquake, the energy of geoelectric field enhanced, with period range of approximately 90~1400 hours, the minimum amplitude of energy variation is about 3 orders of magnitude, the largest ranges up to about 6 orders; (3) The credibility of results obtained are greatly enhanced through comparison obtained from the three geoelectric field stations, and analogy obtained from the Chengdu geoelectric field station. In the discussion section of results, we discussed the?situation of seismic electromagnetic signals based on the experimental and numerical simulation method in the domestic and abroad in recent years, these results obtained by them can provide theoretical support to our results in this paper.

Key words: Time-frequency spectrum, Hilbert-Huang Transform, Lushan MS7.0 earthquake, Geo-electric field

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