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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 139-147.

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Geophysical Factor Recognition based on Factor Analysis and STL Example from Tangshan Short-baseline Data

LI Wen-jing   

  1. Tangshan Station, First Monitoring Center, CEA, Hebei Tangshan 063001, China
  • Received:2014-05-19 Online:2015-04-30 Published:2020-06-24

Abstract: Based on factor analysis method, we can effectively find out the common factors in multiple variables and the hidden controlling factors. Furthermore, we can achieve the period components and trending change feature of the common factor sequence by the Seasonal-Trend Lowes (STL) method and confirm the geophysical meaning by connecting with other information. In this paper, we brought out the geophysical factor recognition method and applied it in the Tangshan short-baseline observation by combining with the two methods. We recognized three geophysical factors, which are far-field geological factor, stationary factor and near-field geological factor in the sequence.

Key words: Geophysical factor recognition, STL, Factor analysis, Tangshan short-baseline observation

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