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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 64-75.

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Multi-method Assessment of Network Monitoring Capabilities for the Hetao Seismic Belt

HAN Xiao-ming, ZHANG Fan, ZHAO Xing   

  1. Earthquake Administration of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot 010010, China
  • Received:2015-03-19 Online:2015-10-31 Published:2020-06-28

Abstract: Using earthquake catalogue after deleting aftershocks, we combined several kinds of methods to quantitatively calculate and analyze the least magnitude of completeness (Mc) in the Hetao seismic belt. We analyze and judge temporal changes of network monitoring capabilities for this belt. The results show that, since 1970, Hetao seismic belt's network monitoring capabilities has been gradually increasing. Under the condition of Bootstrap 200 times, the Mc value is ML2.7±0.07 and the distribution of δMc is basicly controlled in ML0.1~0.4 by the MAXC methods, however the Mc value is ML1.6~2.8 by the EMR methods. The range of Mc by the multi-method determined is ML1.8~3.3, the result of R/S test is ML3.4. By comparison, we found that aftershock deletion has notable influence in the calculation of Mc, in particular, Mc had ML0.9 deference before and after deleting the aftershocks by R/S test. On the whole, Mc is decreasing with time, but there are significant non-uniformity changes in small spatial and temporal scales. Maybe, the spatial adjustment of network and the non-uniformity activity of earthquakes are the main factors.

Key words: Calculation of Mc, Multi-method assessment, Aftershock deletion, R/S test, Hetao seismic belt

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