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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 35-46.

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A Summary of Cross-fault Deformations of TypicalEarthquake Cases and Predictors in the NortheasternMargin of Qinghai-Tibet Block

LI Rui-sha, ZHANG Xi, TANG Hong-tao, JIA Peng, LU Zhen   

  1. Second Monitoring and Application Center, CEA, Xi’an 710054, China
  • Received:2015-12-29 Published:2020-07-03

Abstract: With earthquakes above MS5.8 in cross-fault monitoring area of the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet block, combined with previous research, we re-sort cross-fault data, and focus on the anomalies before earthquakes of the 1995 Yongdeng MS5.8, the 2000 Jingtai MS5.9, the 2003 Minle-Shandan MS6.1 and the 2013 Minxian-Zhangxian MS6.6 earthquakes. The results shows that numbers of cross-fault anomalies before the 4 typical earthquakes are in the range of 13~23 items; abnormal wide distribution in the range of 600 km from the epicenter, relatively concentrated in the range of within about 300 km, also had nearly earthquake zone anomalies. Anomaly characteristics are mainly inverse acceleration, trend turns, increased activity, jumps, and sharp changes. Anomalies began to appear 2~3 years or a little longer before the earthquake, concentrated appear before the earthquake in the period of six months to one year and a half, had mid background and short-term precursory significance, and characteristics of the spatial distribution of anomalies migrated to epicenter with time.

Key words: Cross-fault measurement, Earthquake precursor, The northeastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet block, Earthquake Cases in China

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