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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 1-13.

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Geo-electric Field Changes Observed at Lhasa Geomagnetic Station before and after the 2015Nepal M8.1Earthquake

XI Ji-lou1, GUAN Hua-ping1, LIU Chao1, ZHANG Nan1, ZHANG Zhi-guo2, CI Zhuo-ga2, Kelsang Drolma2, MA Ai-ming3   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Earthquake Prediction,Institute of Earthquake Science,CEA,Beijing 100036,China;
    2. Earthquake Administration of Tibet Autonomous Region,Lhasa 850000,China;
    3. Beijing Luyang Technical Developing Company,Beijing 100036,China
  • Received:2015-12-02 Revised:2015-12-15 Online:2016-04-30 Published:2020-07-06

Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of the geo-electric field observations,with the long time span and the large amplitude abnormal changing,in the Lhasa geomagnetic station before and after the Nepal M8.1strong earthquake,occurred in April 25th,2015.The observation condition,the observation system,and the observation data of the Lhasa station have been preliminary discussed firstly,and then the main characteristics of the abnormal change and evolution process are analyzed and studied,using“the synthesis energy accumulative”and“the power as MSA spectrum analysis”methods,from two aspects of time domain and frequency domain.The results show that the abnormal changing of the geo-electric field observation of the Lhasa station experiences development stage of"trend change-disturbance change-earthquake period-recovery period",and evolution process of low frequency change-high frequency change-stationary change changehigh frequency change" ,before and after the Nepal M8.1strong earthquake.Comprehensive analysis shows that the characteristics and evolution process of the geo-electric field observations of the Lhasa station are basically consistent with the relevant mechanism.It is the valuable data,with certain objectivity,typical and representative,to reflect the whole process of the breeding,occurrence and development of such strong earthquake.

Key words: Geo-electric field changes, Synthesis energy accumulative, the Nepal M8.1 earthquake, Lhasa geomagnetic station

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