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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 12-19.

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Source Parameters and Estimation of Intensity Distribut ion for the 2013 Mw7.7 Pakistan Earthquake

MENG Ling-yuan, ZHOU Long-quan, LIU Jie   

  1. China Earthquake Net works Center, Beijing 100045, China
  • Received:2014-03-20 Revised:2014-05-05 Published:2020-09-11

Abstract: The 24 September, 2013 Mw7.7 earthquake occurred in south-central Pakistan as the result of strike-slip at the shallow crustal depth of 25 km. This event occurred within the transition zone between nor thward subduction of the Arabia plate beneath the Eurasia plate and northward colision of the India plate with the Eurasia plate. The location of Pakistan earthquake is 69 km to north of Awaran, Pakistan. The maximum intensity is upto IX in the near-fault field shown in the ShakeMap of the USGS. In this study, we analyze the dyna mic source process with the source mechanism, select the effect of slip distribution on the fault plane based on two models. One finite fault source model is constructed and we calculate the strong ground motion including acceleration and velocity. Based on the simulated results of the near-fault strong ground motion, we describe the intensity distribution of the Pakistan eart hquake. The simulated intensity indicates that the maximum intensity value is IX and region with and above VI is consistence with the ShakeMap of USGS. In fact, numerical modeling developed in this study has great application in the strong ground motion prediction and intensity estimation for earthquake rescue purpose.

Key words: Finite fault source model, Simulated intensity distribution, A pparent stress, Pakistan Mw7. 7 earthquake

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