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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 143-151.

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Present-day Fault Activity Characteristics of the Shanxi Fault Zone and its Relationship with Moderate-strong Earthquakes

LI La-yue, XU Ming-yuan, HE Qing-long, LIU Wen-long, LIU Xin-zhong, SUN Qi-kai   

  1. First Crust Monitoring and Application Center, CEA, Tianjin. 300180 ,China
  • Received:2013-12-13 Revised:2014-01-17 Published:2020-09-11

Abstract: Slip rates and modes of motion of faults are the main contents in the analysis of fault activity, In this paper, with the observation data from 10 fault-crossing mobile sites and 4 fixed stations in the Shanxi region, we calculate cumulative amount of vertical lifts and vertical activity rates, and give quantitatively the current faulting characteristics and activity background, then the overall faults' activity level is showed quantitatively and objectively by the principal component analysis. The results indicate that most faults in the Shanxi area are in tensional activities, and the cumulative amount of fautt activity is larger in the southern section than in the northern and middle sections. Comprehensive index of fautt vertical activity rate reflects that the entire Shanxi fautt zone shows good trend of faults' activities with regulations, in which remarkable anomalies emerge before moderate- strong earthquakes and corresponde well with M≥5.0 earthquakes in Shanxi and its surrounding area. Anomaly of fautt activity had broken the trend again in 2013, and we should pay much attention to it and enhance tracking and analyzing.

Key words: Seismic activity, Fautt activity, Cross-fautt deformation, Principal compo

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