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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 40-46.

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Relationship between the Annual Numbers of MS≥5.0 Earthquakes and the Occurrences of MS≥7.0 Earthquakes in the Chinese Mainland and Its Significance Test

CHEN Xue-zhong, LI Yan-e   

  1. Institute of Geophysics, CEA, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2012-01-13 Revised:2012-06-15 Online:2013-01-31 Published:2020-10-16

Abstract: The years whether MS≥7.0 earthquakes occurred or not are investigated by using the MS≥5.0 earthquake catalog occurred in the Chinese mainland.The year when an MS≥7.0 earthquake occurred is called “earthquake year”, and the year when no MS≥7.0 earthquake occurred is called “no-earthquake year”. The relationships between the annual numbers of MS≥5.0 earthquakes and “earthquake year” or “no-earthquake year” are analysed, and χ2 test method has been employed to test the significance.The results obtained are as follows: ① If the annual nember of the MS≥5.0 earthqaukes is greater than 30 in some year, the sixth year later is “no-earthquake year”. The test of significance for this relationship can be passed under the significance level of 2 percent; ② If the annual nember of MS≥5.0 earthqaukes is greater than or equal to 24 in some year, the sixth and ninth years later are “no-earthquake year”. The tests of significance for these two relationships can be passed under the significance level of 10 and 2 percent respectively; ③ If the annual nember of MS≥5.0 earthqaukes is less than 10 in some year, the sixth year later is “earthquake year”. The test of significance for this relationship can be passed under the significance level of 2 percent.

Key words: Annual nember of MS≥5.0 earthqaukes, MS≥7.0 earthquakes, Significance test, Chinese mainland

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