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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2008, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 87-92.

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Time sequence characteristic analysis of outgoing long wave radiation before and after two earthquakes in eastern Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region

DING Feng-he1, HA Yuan-yuan2, WEI Jian-min1, ZHAO Tie-suo1, WANG Jian-ying1, MA yi3, ZHOU Xiao-long4   

  1. 1. Earthquake Administration of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, Hohhot 010051;
    2. Vocational Technology College of Inner Mongolian University, Hohhot 010051;
    3. Keshiketeng County Science and Technology Admi- nistration of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, Keshiketeng 024300;
    4. Chifeng Earthquake Admini- stration of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, Chifeng 024000, China
  • Received:2007-05-10 Revised:2007-07-11 Online:2008-01-31 Published:2021-10-29

Abstract: Based on the information of OLR (Outgoing Long Wave Radiation) from the satellite telemetry, the authors analyzed the time sequence characteristic of Outgoing Long Wave Radiation near the epicenter at 45°N, 120°E for two MS5.9 earthquakes occurred in Balinzuoqi on 16 Aug 2003 and Dongwuzhumuqinqi on 24 Mar 2004. The authors found that month-average value and month-dispersion value of OLR at 45°N, 120°E near the epicenter region, indicating obvious anomaly before and after two earthquakes. Accordingly, it is very important that having earthquake observation and predicting concrete seismogenic zone by time sequence characteristic analysis of outgoing long Wave Radiation.

Key words: Outgoing Long Wave Radiation (OLR), Time sequence characteristic, Eastern Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region

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