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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2008, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 23-32.

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Analysis and numerical simulation of cross-over fault deformation along Xianshuihe fracture zone

ZHANG Chao-jun1, SHI Yao-lin1, MA Li2, CHEN Qi-fu2, WANG Wu-xing1,2   

  1. 1. Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics, Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049;
    2. Institute of Earthquake Science, CEA, Beijing 100036, China
  • Received:2008-01-14 Revised:2008-03-28 Online:2008-07-31 Published:2021-10-29

Abstract: Data of cross-over fault deformation for more than 20 years have been accumulated along the Xianshuihe fracture zone. It is an important problem of how to explain this kind of deformation. This paper adopted the viscoelastic model to study this problem, the lower crust is assumed Maxwell rheology covered by an elastic upper crust. The post-seismic deformation of the MS7.6 Luhuo earthquake in 1973 computed by this model can explain the observation data to a great degree, showing that Xianshuihe fault is different from some faults (such as some of segments in San Andres Fault), which creeps slowly and there is no large earthquake occurred on it. And a significant part of the cross-over deformation observed along Xianshuihe fracture zone can be explained by post-seismic viscoelastic deformation after large earthquakes. However, this kind of model can not explain the entire deformation. Deviation exists between viscoelastic model and the actual observation of cross-over fault short baseline and short water level. It indicates that the activity of continental faults is complicated and it is worth to further studies.

Key words: Xianshuihe fracture zone, Cross-over fault deformation, Viscoelastic model, Aseismic slip, Numerical simulation

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