
地震 ›› 2000, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 96-102.

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张朝明, 朱方保, 余华扬, 李敏莉, 陶月潮, 梁久亮   

  1. 安徽省地震局,安徽合肥 230031
  • 收稿日期:1999-05-06 修回日期:1999-07-01 出版日期:2000-01-31 发布日期:2022-09-26
  • 作者简介:张朝明(1945-),男,高级工程师,主要从事地震流体的监测方法及地震前兆与机理的研究
  • 基金资助:

ExPerimental study on dynamic Characteristics and mechanism of escaped gas from underground water

ZHANG Chao-ming, ZHU Fang-bao, YU Hua-yang, LI Min-li, TAO Yue-chao, LIANG Jiu-liang   

  1. Selsmologiecal Bureau of Anhui Province,Hefei 230031, China
  • Received:1999-05-06 Revised:1999-07-01 Online:2000-01-31 Published:2022-09-26

摘要: 通过研究管径和结构不同的井孔-含水气层物理模拟实验以及地下水、气补给量与逸出气动态的关系实验,得出地下水逸出气动态的最基本特征是突发、阵发,其形成机制在于逸出气运移、排放过程中存在积累-释放的往复过程。在地震等地质事件孕育、发生过程中,地壳应力、应变积累和释放可能引起的地下含水、气层的气体储存和迁移的场所空间及通道的变形、贯通或阻塞,地下水流速、流量的增减及气体发生、补给量等的变化,都能在逸出气动态中以爆发式地显示出来。由气体的性质致使逸出气在地震前兆观测中具有更灵敏、更显著的异常显示能力。

关键词: 逸出气, 动态特征, 突变, 模拟实验

Abstract: Two experiments have been condueted:the first one is physieal modeling with different borehole diameters,strueture and water (gas)-bearing strata,the another is to study on dynarnic relation between recharge of underground water (gas) and escaped gas. The result show that basic features of escaped gas are abrupt change and burst,thephe-nomenon is caused by alternating process of accumulation and burst,the phenomenon is caused by alternating process of accumulation and release of eseaped gas in flow proecess.In the development process of seismic and geologic events,the accumulation and release of crustal stress and strain may cause that ① Deformation,penetration and damming of channels in migration process of gas of undergroundwater (gas)- bearing strata,② Increasing and decreasing of outflow and veloeity of flow.③ Recharge variation of gas. Burst of eseaped gas has an amplifying effect on the changes mentioned above. Eseaped gas has more sensitive capacity to reflect the earthquakes, which stems to be from the basic nature of gas.

Key words: Eseapedgas, Dynamic feature, Abrupt change, Modeling experiment
