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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 94-104.

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Analysis of Seismicity Changes prior to Strong Earthquakes in Sichuan-Yunnan Region by the Region-Time-Length Algorithm

LIU Yue, LU Xiao-jian, TIAN Qin-jian   

  1. Key Laboratory of Earthquake Prediction,Institute of Earthquake Science,CEA,Beijing 100036,China
  • Received:2015-09-23 Revised:2015-10-23 Online:2016-04-30 Published:2020-07-06

Abstract: The Region-Time-Length (RTL)algorithm was applied to analyze seismicity changes prior to the twenty-nine strong earthquakes in Sichuan-Yunnan region.Seismic quiescence was detected prior to five out of the six MS≥7.0earthquakes,and enhancement of seismic activity was found before only one earthquake.Twenty-three MS6.0~6.9 earthquakes were analyzed as well.Twelve of them had the precursor of seismic quiescence, and the other eleven had anomalies of enhancement of seismic activity.Seismic quiescence or enhancement of seismic activity started 0.5to 2.5years before most of the earthquakes,and lasted for 0.5~2years.Seismic quiescence was detected prior to the four earthquake cases occurred in Puer area.Seismic quiescence was detected prior to thirteen out of the seventeen earthquakes occurred in the region of 22.7°~31.0°N and 99.6°~102.5°E.This study may provide references for a better understanding of the seismogenic process in the region.

Key words: Seismicity, Region-Time-Length(RTL)algorithm, Earthquake precursor, Sichuan-Yunnan region

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