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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 74-83.

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Characteristics of Q Value in Ningxia Region based on Sato Model

ZHANG Jin-ling1, ZHU Xin-yun2, MA Qi-yang2, JIN Chun-hua1   

  1. 1.Earthquake Agency of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Yinchuan 750001, China;
    2.Zhejiang Earthquake Agency, Hangzhou 310013, China
  • Received:2017-06-07 Published:2019-08-15

Abstract: We have adopted waveform data of 889 ML≥2.0 earthquakes recorded at near-source stations from 2005 to 2014,which were recorded by Ningxia seismic network. By using the coda time series with high signal-to-noise ratio, based on Sato mode1, the coda Qc(f) was calculated, and the relationship between Qc(f) and frequency f was obtained. Then, the characteristics of Qc(f) in the Ningxia area were analyzed. According to the noise conditions and computing requirements, 3261 three-component records chosen from 14 stations were used in this study. Our result shows that the relationship between the coda Qc(f) and f of Ningxia region is Qc(f)=(39.23±9.68)f0.979±0.083, suggesting that the study area of Ningxia is a tectonically inactive zone, but the dependence on frequency is higher. According to the regiona1 seismic tectonic characteristics and the homochronous seismic activity, further analysis on the relationship between Qc(f) and f was carried out. We divided the study area into three partitions:(a) Northern Region; (b) Central Region; (c) Southern Region, the relationship between the coda Qc(f) and f are respectively: Qc(f)=(43.05±11.05)f0.952±0.083; Qc(f)=(38.76±9.15)f0.974±0.078; Qc(f)=(37.03±7.99)f1.002±0.081. They reflect the whole area of Ningxia is a high attenuation of low frequency dependent region. From Northern Ningxia、central and Southern the Q0 value of coda decreases in turn, the dependence of frequency index shows a negative correlation. The results reflect the characteristics of different geological structures and seismic activities.

Key words: Coda, Q value, Sato model, Ningxia region, Seismic activity

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