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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2000, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (z1): 18-27.

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The time-frame coefficient method to diagnose nonlinear characteristics of earthquake sequences in Haicheng-Xiuyan Region, Liaoning Province

LUO Zhuo-li1, WANG Wei-jun2, CHEN Lin3   

  1. 1. Science and Technology Committee, CSB, Beijing 100036, China;
    2. Center for Analysis and Prediction, CSB, Beijing 100036, China;
    3. Institute of Geophysics, CSB, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2000-05-30 Revised:2000-06-19 Online:2000-09-30 Published:2022-09-23

Abstract: Using the nonlinear relations and the time-frame coefficient of earthquake sequence, the four earthquake sequences (1975, MS 7. 3; 1978, MS 5. 9; 1988 ML 3. 7 swarm; 1999, MS 5. 6) occurred in the Haicheng-Xiuyan region of Liaoning Province since 1975 are studied. The result indicates that there are evident differences among the foreshocks sequence, aftershock sequence and small normal swarms in the time-frame characteristics and the time-frame variation coefficient (δ) . δ≈1 for a foreshocks sequence,and δ 1 for an aftershock. A new state, a stage of large energy release with a main earthquake and many aftershocks co me about when the behavior of the earthquake generation system of a region is of enough randomness, which is the special frame and foundational nonlinear features of a complex system with the irreversible process. A time-frame variation coefficient method to diagnose the forerunner earthquake sequence is consequently proposed. A similar study of different types of seismic activity states and nonlinear time-frame relation earthquake sequences that occurred in other regions are also presented.

Key words: Time frame variation coefficient, Nonlinearity, Earthquake sequence and situation diagnosis, Earthquake prediction

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