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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 12-23.

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Cumulative Coulomb Stress Changes in the Basin-range Region of West Bejing and Their Effects on Strong Earthquakes

CHEN Dan, HAO Ping   

  1. Institute of earthquake Science, CEA, Beijing 100036, China
  • Received:2015-06-10 Published:2020-07-03

Abstract: Since 231 BC, a total of 15 M6~7.5 earthquakes were recorded in the basin-range of west Beijing (38.3°~41.5°E ,112°~116.2°N), where tensional forces dominate. In this paper, we calculate Coulomb stress changes of each earthquake and the cumulated stress changes. On this basis, we analyze stress triggering of strong earthquakes. The results show that there are 10 of 14 earthquake occurred in triggered zones, in which the Coulomb stress change is positive, triggering rate is 71%. The positive areas of cumulative Coulomb stress change caused by these 15 earthquakes are: the middle section of the northern Liulengshan fault, northern Huaizhu basin fault, Xinbaoan-Shacheng fault, Sangganhe fault and southern Yuxian basin fault. These Coulomb stress changes increase seismic risk on these faults, and the resultsit can be a reference for future seismic risk analysis in this area.

Key words: Cumulative Coulomb stress change, Seismic risk, The basin-range region of west Beijing

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