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EARTHQUAKE ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 78-87.

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Feature and Mechanism of Co-seismic Responses of Jiangsu Groundwater Level and Temperature to Several Strong Earthquakes

MIAO A-li, ZHANG Yi, YE Bi-wen, SHEN Hong-hui   

  1. Earthquake Administrationof Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, 210014, China
  • Received:2014-05-04 Revised:2014-06-29 Published:2020-09-11

Abstract: Taking several strong earthquakes occurred during 2008—2013 as examples, we analyze the feature of co-seismic response of the Jiangsu groundwater level and temperature and discuss the mechanism. The results show that the main co- seismic change for groundwater level is oscillation and is step change or tendency changefor temperature. And for one well, the response features are consistently the same on different earthquakes regardless of epicenter directions or focal mechanism. Further analysis represents that amplitude of water level and temperature increases with the increase of earthquake magnitude, and decreases with the increase of epicenter distances. Finally, we analyze the mechanism of ground water and temperature of artesian wells and static wells.

Key words: Co-seismic responses, Groundwater Level and Temperature, Jiangsu well network

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