
地震 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 55-72.doi: 10.12196/j.issn.1000-3274.2024.03.004

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张菊, 赵德杨, 徐亚飞, 张晓明, 刘雪梅, 袁燕妮, 林丽萍   

  1. 四川省地震局, 四川 成都 610041
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-16 修回日期:2024-03-28 出版日期:2024-07-31 发布日期:2024-08-28
  • 通讯作者: 赵德杨, 高级工程师。 E-mail: oegiin@163.com
  • 作者简介:张菊(1994-), 女, 四川南充人, 助理工程师, 主要从事地下流体研究。
  • 基金资助:
    地震应急与信息青年重点任务项目(CEAEDEM202316); 四川省地震局科技专项(LY2411)

Comparative Analysis of Water Level Coseismic Response Characteristics in Sichuan Fluid Network

ZHANG Ju, ZHAO De-yang, XU Ya-fei, ZHANG Xiao-ming, LIU Xue-mei, YUAN Yan-ni, LIN Li-ping   

  1. Sichuan Earthquake Agency, Chengdu 610041, China
  • Received:2023-10-16 Revised:2024-03-28 Online:2024-07-31 Published:2024-08-28

摘要: 本文统计分析了四川流体台网对2022年四川芦山MS6.1、 马尔康MS6.0、 泸定MS6.8三次大地震的水位同震响应特征。 研究结果显示, 三次大地震引起了四川大范围内不同程度的水位同震响应。 三次大地震引起的水位同震响应幅度受震级影响显著, 受井震距影响并不显著。 大区域范围内的水位同震响应幅度受含水层岩性、 地质构造、 井孔条件等影响。 水位同震响应类型主要受井震距影响, 与井孔深度关系不大。 川20井、 川49井和川50井在2022年泸定MS6.8地震中水位同震响应幅度差异较大的原因可能是井孔承压性不同。 受含水层岩性、 所处断裂带位置和井孔承压性影响, 位于同一断裂带且距离较近的川46井、 川47井和川48井在这三次大地震中的水位同震响应幅度存在差异。 在2022年芦山MS6.1地震中, 川46井与川47井的水位同震响应类型不同, 这可能与井孔水位受动态应力与静态应力的主要控制作用不同有关。 水位同震响应的统计和分析结果受仪器采样率影响, 使用分钟值水位数据分析得到的水位同震响应结果可能不够准确, 秒钟值水位数据可以为水位同震响应特征及机理的精细研究提供更丰富准确的水震波数据。

关键词: 四川流体台网, 水位同震响应, 井震距, 断裂带, 静态应变

Abstract: In this paper, the water level coseismic response characteristics of Sichuan fluid network to the three large earthquakes, the 2022 Lushan MS6.1, the 2022 Maerkang MS6.0 and the 2022 Luding MS6.8 earthquakes, are analyzed statistically. The results show that the three strong earthquakes induced different degrees of water level coseismic response in most areas of Sichuan. The coseismic responses amplitude of water level induced by the three earthquakes are significantly correlated with the earthquake magnitude, while not significantly correlated with well-epicenter distances. In a large range, the coseismic response amplitude of water level are influenced by the aquifer lithology, geological structure, and wellbore conditions. The coseismic response types of water level are mainly affected by the well-epicenter distances, and little related to the wellbore-depth. For the 2022 Luding MS6.8 earthquake, the reason for the large difference in the coseismic response amplitude of water level of wells Chuan-20, Chuan-49 and Chuan-50 may be the different wellbore bearing capacity. Due to the effects from the aquifer lithology, the location in the fault zone and the wellbore bearing capacity, the coseismic response amplitude of the water level of wells Chuan-46, Chuan-47 and Chuan-48, being close to each other in the same fault zone, are different in the three strong earthquakes. In the 2022 Lushan MS6.1 earthquake, the coseismic response types of water level between wells Chuan-46 and Chuan-47 are different, which may be related to the different main control factors of dynamic or static stress on the wells water level. The statistical and analytical results of water level coseismic response are affected by the sampling rate of instruments. The analysis results of water level coseismic response, using minute water level data, may not be accurate enough. The seconds water level data can provide more accurate and rich water seismic waves information for the detailed study of the water level coseismic response characteristics and mechanisms.

Key words: Sichuan fluid network, Water level coseismic response, Well-epicenter distance, Fault zone, Static strain
