
地震 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 157-168.

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阮祥, 韩进, 谢蓉华, 龙锋   

  1. 四川省地震局, 四川 成都 610041
  • 收稿日期:2016-02-18 发布日期:2019-08-09
  • 作者简介:阮祥(1981), 男, 云南昆明市人, 高级工程师, 主要从事水库地震研究。
  • 基金资助:
    地震行业科研专项(201508020) 以及地震星火计划项目(XH16032)资助

Natural Background Seismicity of the Dagangshan Reservoir

RUAN Xiang,HAN Jin,XIE Rong-hua,LONG Feng   

  1. Earthquake Administration of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610041, China
  • Received:2016-02-18 Published:2019-08-09

摘要: 大岗山水库位于川滇菱形块体东边界上, 北西向的鲜水河活动断裂带南段的磨西断裂以及近南北向的大渡河断裂穿过库区, 天然地震活动背景强烈。 本文主要利用历史和现今中强震目录、 大岗山水库地震台网观测数据, 通过对库区附近地震活动性的分析, 讨论蓄水前库坝区及其周围天然地震活动背景, 为蓄水后的地震活动跟踪研判提供依据。 区域历史强震活动显示, 历史上大区域内7级以上大震频发, 其中1786年磨西73/4级地震震中距坝仅54 km, 且破裂延伸至水库蓄水区, 震中烈度超过X度; 现今地震能量释放则主要集中在水库东北方的龙门山断裂带, 水库蓄水影响区内则主要以5级以下中小地震为主。 水库地震监测区内, 地震主要集中分布在库区西侧的两个小区域, 一个位于泸定与康定交界附近, 另一个则在水库水域西侧的磨西地区, 呈NW—SE条带展布; 地震活动性参数a、 b值以及最大期望震级Mmax都反映库区以西和西北边地震危险性较高。 水库地震监测区与水库蓄水影响区地震活动水平在时间趋势变化上有较好一致性, 表明水库蓄水前已有显著的中小地震活动, 可能影响到未来对水库诱发地震的判定。

关键词: 本底地震活动, 水库诱发地震, 磨西断裂, 大岗山水库

Abstract: Dagangshan reservoir is located on the eastern boundary of the Sichuan—Yunnan rhombic block, the north—west Moxi fault and nearly N—S trending Daduhe fault through the reservoir area and natural background of seismic activity is relatively strong. In this paper, based on earthquake catalog from China Seismic Information, China Seismic Network Center and Dagangshan reservoir seismic network, we analyzed background seismicity near the reservoir area before impoundment according to seismic activity, focal mechanism and stress field. In larger study area, lots of historic earthquakes with magnitude larger 7.0 occurred, and the closest one with X degree intensity is 54 km away from the reservoir. Part of the reservoir area is Moxi 8 magnitude potential seismic zone and the dam is located in Liziping 7.5 magnitude potential seismic zone. The energy of modern earthquakes occurred in Longmenshan faults released in the last ten years. In the reservoir seismic monitoring area, earthquakes mainly distribute in two regions of the west side of the reservoir. One is near the boundary of Luding County and Kangding County, and the other one is on the west of Dagangshan reservoir and the present NW—SE belt. The seismicity parameter including a value, b value and maximum expectation magnitude (Mmax) indicate high seismic risk in the west side and northwest side of reservoir earthquake monitoring area. The tendency of seismic activity of reservoir seismic monitoring area and impoundment affected zone are consistent, which would impact judgment of induced seismicity in the future.

Key words: Natural background seismicity, Reservoir induced earthquake, Dagangshan reservoir, Moxi fault
