
地震 ›› 2000, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (z1): 82-90.

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区域地震台网ML 震级系统的连续过渡问题

陈祥熊, 陈文明, 傅再扬, 江劲军, 陈懿德   

  1. 福建省地震局 ,福建 福州 350003
  • 收稿日期:2000-05-16 修回日期:2000-06-22 出版日期:2000-09-30 发布日期:2022-09-23
  • 作者简介:陈祥熊 (1942-) ,男 ,福建福州人 ,研究员 ,主要从事震源物理 ,数字地震观测与研究。
  • 基金资助:
    福建省自然科学基金资助项目 (D 9910018); 中国地震局“九五”科研攻关项目 (95-07-411)

The problem on continuous transition of ML magnitude system in regional seismic network

CHEN Xiang-xiong, CHEN Wen-ming, FU Zai-yang, JIANG Jin-jun, CHEN Yi-de   

  1. Seismological Bureau of Fuji an Province, Fuzhou 350003, China
  • Received:2000-05-16 Revised:2000-06-22 Online:2000-09-30 Published:2022-09-23

摘要: 根据福建区域数字地震台网建立之后, 数字和模拟二类地震仪在同一台站同时观测到的几十个地震的基本参数测定结果 ,讨论了当前区域地震台网从模拟仪器观测向全数字化仪器观测过渡过程中 ,如何生成连续的 ML 震级系统问题。着重讨论了数字地震信号“ 仿真”处理技术在区域数字台网地震基本参数测定中的应用问题 ,尤其是利用宽频带速度平坦型数字地震记录进行 ML 震级测定 ,生成与原来模拟台网测定的 ML 震级的“ 无缝”衔接问题。统计结果表明 ,利用近似仿真方法将 JCV -100短周期速度型数字记录转换成 D D-1短周期位移型模拟记录 ,则二个系统的 ML 震级测定的统计偏差可以小于± 0. 1个震级单位。如果进一步进行严格仿真 ,可以进一步减少这个偏差范围 ,从而生成该区域台网连续的 ML 震级系统。

关键词: 区域数字地震台网, ML 震级系统过渡, 数字地震信号仿真, 地震仪器传递函数

Abstract: In this paper, the authors discussed the problem of how to create a continuous ML mag nitudesy stem in regional seismic network during the transitional process from analogous observation system to full digital observation system. They used the determined seismic parameters obtained from tens of seismic records of Fujian and Taiwan region from Fujian regional digital seismic network, and records from the same station by both digital and analog ousseismo graphs synchronously. It was emphasized that the application of the emulation technique of digital seismic signal in determining seismic basic parameters, especially in determining ML magnitude by using broad-band velocity-type digital seismograph so as to generate a “ seamless” regional seismic catalog. The statistical results show that using approximate emulate method to convert the waveform of JCV-100 short- period velocity-type digital records into that of DD-1 short -period displacement -type analog records, the statistical error of ML magnitudes between the two system could be less than ± 0. 1 magnitude unit. If the strict emulation would be further made, including correction of instrument response and emulation of waveform and amplitude, then the error rang e could be reduced further so that a continuous ML magnitudesy stem could be created in the regional seismic network.

Key words: Regional digital seismic network, ML magnitude system transition, Digital seismic signal emulation, Transfer function of seismograph
